Rishelle the leader of the pack convinced Lyn and I back in the summer to train for a half marathon. I just felt a full was out of my reach especially after just having a baby. I thought I might be able to accomplish a half even though it seemed daunting.
Starting in September we started a training schedule and would meet on Saturdays for our long runs. I have to say that if it were not for these two girls I think it would have been easier to give up.
Finally the race came on Valentines Day of course. We all met in Surfside, TX and began the race at 8:00 am.
This is us just getting ready for the race to start. Lyn, Rishelle, and I also had to get rid of our nerves.

The race is on, and we are located right in the middle, except for
Rishelle who is just in front of us.

This is what it was like pretty much the whole 13.1 miles, and 26.2 for
Rishelle. It was awesome to run right along the ocean.
This is also me coming in right at the end of the race.
Another picture just before I hit the finish.
I look like a sick wet thing, and I was. I was so tired, and drenched from the down pour the last 2.5 miles or so of the race. 
Just a few more steps and I would finally be finished. I think at this point I was just happy to see Philip.

Crossing the finish line has never felt so good. I was to happy to have accomplished this goal, and at the same time so happy it was over.

The reason I am including this picture is because I think it shows what I was feeling like when I stopped running. I was sick. I actually think I ate something bad or something was off, because the whole 13.1 miles was more challenging to me than in training. I really thought I was going to pass out for about 10 minutes after. If I ever do this again I better be feeling on top of it on race day. Oh well, I finished.

Philip and Summer came to support me and see me finish. It was so nice to have them there. I love them both. They have put up with many crazy Saturdays through this whole thing. Thanks.
Over all the race was great. I was loving the new ipod I got to listen to courtesy of my brother-in-law. The scenery was beautiful, the smell was great except for the two dolphin carcases. The sand was way more packed than I thought it would be too.
The headwind was difficult, as well as the rain at the end. Poor Rishelle got rained on in the middle of her 26.2 miles, and had to carry an extra 10 lbs of water logged in her shoes. I am happy that we did it, and I can't thank these girls enough for helping me stick it out and giving me much needed therapy over the last 6 months.