I really can't believe it has been six weeks already. Brayden is growing and time is flying. I am not sure how much he weighs now, but he has grown. Although he is small he no longer looks like a newborn. He has started holding his head up quite nicely. He enjoys tummy time but only for a few minutes and then he gets tired and starts fussing.
Brayden is a good baby for the most part. He is a good sleeper now and lets me get at least three hours sleep at once. To me that is way better than wanting to eat every hour like he did in the beginning.
It has been interesting having a boy. We are so use to our little girl and not all the things that come along with a boy. Mainly we have only really noticed how frequently he pees on the wall, Phil, or himself. The goal now is to get him changed as quickly as possible to avoid old faithful.
Here are several pictures of some of the things we have enjoyed with him over the last six weeks.

We decided to take him on his first walk. Summer was so excited and insisted on pushing the stroller.

There have been a few times when his fingers have found their way into his mouth and he gladly sucks. I think if they made there way there more often we would have ourselves a thumb sucker.

Summer playing with him while I got ready. She is such a good big sister. We like to think there are two moms in the house because she is always trying to take care of her brother.

Brayden and his three month old cousin. It will be fun to see the two of them grow older together and have a playmate.

Philip thinks he looks like he has a mushroom on his head, but I like the hat. I made this as I was teaching myself to crochet.

One day I came in Summer's room to find that she was rocking the baby in her own little rocking chair. He was fussy and she needed to sooth him so this is what came to her mind.

Philip thinks he needs driving lessons already. F.Y.I. we were in our parked car eating. We were not driving with him in Phil's lap incase you were wondering.

Yoga time. My sister brought me a bunch of hand me down clothes. This is one of my favorites. He really has a little boy yoga outfit.

This was taken at about four weeks old. He looks like Philip in this picture to me.

Brayden was blessed on July 24, 2011 which happens to be my birthday. My family was in town so we felt is was appropriate to do it then. I need to snap a picture of the baby alone in his outfit.

Brayden sleeping in on his 6 week mark which was yesterday.

Not so happy I was trying to snap photos of him when he was hungry. I love the frown face.
It has been a blast so far. I look forward to every day I get to spend with my kids. I hope to soak in as much baby time as I can before he gets older and is no longer in baby stage.