We went to the doctor today for our second ultrasound since finding out that our baby has Anencephaly. Two weeks ago it was the same and the doctor could not tell the sex of the baby because of the position.
This week the baby was still being very modest and had its legs crossed with its knees tightly together. Unfortunately the baby is still an it until next week when hopefully we will find out. The doctor was not there this morning because he was in surgery. His nurse was apprehencive at first because she did not want to be the one to tell me if there was no heart beat. I told her I had felt the baby moving earlier, so she was relieved and went ahead and did the ultrasound herself. We asked her to print out a few pictures and she did more than that; she actually did the 3D pictures as well. As you might be able to make out in the top left picture it is the face with a hand resting on its left side of the forehead. It is hard for me to make out, but the nurse explained that on the top of the head where it gets fuzzy is actually the brain matter. This is how they can tell it has Anencephaly.
The 2nd picture is another of the head and face, although this one looks a bit more alien like you can see its mouth is opened.
Of Course the one below is of the baby's leg and foot. It is quite cute and fun that they are able to do this now.

We are all handling everything very well considering the hard times ahead of us, but we are optimistic. I think now the most difficult thing is planning a funeral, and thinking about a birth plan etc. I will be keeping updates here on my blog, and any other random thoughts I have so check as often as you would like. If there are any questions, don't be scared to ask.