Well our time here in Houston has come to a bittersweet end. Philip has accepted a job offer in Vancouver, British Columbia. We will be moving there at the end of March. It is so soon I can't believe it.

We are super sad to leave our friends here who have really become our family away from our family. We love them all so much and it will be hard to leave. There are also a lot of things I will really miss about Houston too. A few of them include our friends, Philip's co-workers, the zoo, Pappasitos, brisket because I don't think they sell it up North, the elementary school Summer' attends, her teacher of course, Brazo's Bend the alligator park, and the list goes on.
Although we are leaving these wonderful things we are also moving to a place with a lot of perks. The first being closer to family, and look in the picture below and tell me what you see.

Yes, those are mountains in the distance. It is absolutely beautiful there. I will have to buy some rain boots to keep my feet and pants dry though. Although there will probably be an increase in spiders, I don't think I will see too many roaches or silverfish. Those I definitely will not miss.

I have been to Vancouver several times since being married to Philip. Still I have not seen half of it. There are these amazing gardens I would love to see.

Too bad that won't be my back yard.

The fun suspension bridges. I have been on one of them, but I am pretty sure it was not this one since this one looks really big.
Summer will have to change schools two months before she will finish kindergarten, but I am sure she will do fine. We will also be having our 3rd baby 2 1/2 months after we move. I am a little nervous about that especially because I really like my doctor here. He was the one that delivered Scott and knows all about the high risk stuff for me during pregnancy. It will work out and I will find a doctor who is capable of delivering a healthy baby.
Clearly moving to Canada might have some influence on my kids. I am sure they will have a Canadian accent and when we visit the States people will point it out to them. I wonder if Philip will get some of his back. Although we will be in Canada I we will always have American/Canadian pride in our home. I am going to have to invest in some American History books so I can make sure my kids know that stuff since it is part of who they are. We will definitely be waving the grand old flag at our house.

We look forward to this new chapter in our lives. Anyhow, if anyone ever wants to come and visit this wonderful place please feel free to come. You will have so much fun.