I couldn't help laughing. I think she wondered why I was, but it was just too cute. She said she couldn't get the tutu off so she just put the skirt on top. I told her she looked like the ladies in the olden days when they wore those big things to make their hips look bigger. Similar to the one in this picture below.

I love it! It is my favorite dress up she has come up with so far. She loves everything girl. In fact the other day Philip mentioned to us that when aunt Laurel and uncle Aaron come to visit that we can't take them shopping because neither of them like shopping. So the next day Summer and I were talking about them coming in a couple weeks. I mentioned that maybe they might like to decorate cookies when they come. She said, "well we can't take them shopping because they don't like shopping. I don't know why aunt Laurel doesn't like shopping because of course all girls love to shop." When she said that I laughed and thought of Philip. He has already been bracing himself for the teenage Summer asking for daddy to give her money to go shopping. What she doesn't realize yet is that daddy isn't that easy to get it from. She is going to have to work hard for those shoes, purses, and accessories.

It is good to have fun moments like these to make life a little less serious as we sometimes get. Having one is a blast, but having more will be even better.