We were fortunate enough to get away for Christmas and visit with Philip's family in Vancouver, BC. It was so nice there, and I love the area more and more with each visit. It was nice to spend time with family and enjoy the festivities of Christmas together. I can't wait for the next visit.
Summer enjoyed the airplane most of the time, and pretty much colored the whole way there.

These twin little girls are little friends of Summer's. They are her aunt Laurel's nieces. She had so much fun playing with them. Thanks again Candise for watching her.
Of course Summer was so excited to see her cousin Abby. She still says that was the best part about the whole visit was playing with Abby.
Ok, so recently I found out that Kinder eggs are in fact banned from the US. I posted about my mother-in-law getting them taken away once at the border. I never could figure out why until my brother-in-law sent me an article a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately I deleted it after reading, so I can't share it with you.
So, since they were illegal Santa brought this giant one for Summer to open before we crossed the border. They put these out at Christmas and Easter. Below is the picture of the toy capsule inside. It really was huge.
Summer enjoyed some of the chocolate Kinder ball for breakfast. Actually I think that is about all she ate while we were there. She is a true Harvey and has a huge love for chocolate.
It was such a good trip, and we were sad to leave, however it is always nice to be home.
Since we had to pack for a trip we were not able to bring our gifts with us. We left almost everything here. So, Sunday after church we had a belated Christmas and opened up our gifts.
This is a Lego set that Philip gave to Summer. It is so cute because it is a girly one with horses and a house and stuff like that. Philip is so excited about it because he loves Lego and looks forward to spending some time putting it together with her.
This is a little petticoat skirt that I got for her. She was a little confused at first when she opened the mass of chiffon. She looked at me with a confused little face and said "FABRIC!"
She was a little more happy when she unraveled it to find a skirt and not a bunch of fabric.
Summer has been so excited for Christmas this year, and has made it so much fun. I am a little sad it is all over, and that it is almost 2010. I can't believe how fast time goes.
Well, I hope you all had a great Christmas, and that you do have a happy new year.