So, Summer really hates doing warm-ups at gymnastics. I think she is mostly to shy, and it takes her 15 minutes to warm up to liking warm-ups.
She has also been wanting to watch the new Scooby Doo movie that just came out. So, I used a little bribery and told her that if she would do all of her warm ups and do them without me nearby that she could have a movie pajama party with her dad and I the next night because it would be a Friday.
When we went to gymnastics she hesitated at first, but she did all her warm ups and stayed with her coach. She was so excited to have this party as a reward.
Here are some pajamas that I made her for the occasion. They were super simple and took about 20 minutes. She was a little confused thinking it was a dress. The only other night gown she has ever worn was when she was one. She loved the pjs. Now I will have to make a whole bunch because they are cute, and easy.