So in my last post Summer was wearing a large flower hair bow that I made. I personally really liked it and thought it was reasonably sized. Philip on the other hand was totally thinking it was way too huge. Then the other day I was browsing and found this little girl with this massive bouquet of flowers on her head. I thought if Philip thought Summer's was huge, man this would blow his mind. He of course could not believe it either. Anyhow, So from now on I will continue to make my own hair bows for Summer not to exceed the size in my previous post.
At Christmas one year I, along with my Sister In Law noticed a HUGE Christmas bow on a little girls head, she said it looked like they just put the whole poinsettia on her head. Now I can't see giant head wear without thinking that, hahaha! And I think Summers Easter head wear was CUTE!
Wow! That baby must have some strong neck muscles! I think Summer's hair bow is cute! Guys really don't know anything about this stuff. =]
That's probably the biggest bow I have ever seen for a girl to wear. I loved Summer's bow for easter. She is such a cute girl.
Dude, your a dork, thanks for thinking of me though :)
P.S. did you read my post about the NKOTB? It was directed towards you. I think you can still see it on my blog. You need to read it!
That is a hilarious picture. I didn't think the bow is Summer's hair was large at all. This bow is attacking the little girl. HAHAHA!
The one you made is adorable. The one from is a little ridiculous.
Hey, I just found your blog! I think Summer's bow is super cute!
Haha, good thinking showing this bow to Phil. Now he'll be grateful when he sees Summer's bow and realizes that it could have been the size of a grapefruit (but isn't.)
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